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Zechariah ben Berechiah: One of the Last Prophets


Parsha Halacha - Parshat Beha'alotecha

Zechariah ben Berechiah: One of the Last Prophets

Sponsored by the Fishman cousins of Los Angeles. In memory of Maureen Liner, Mintza Brocha bas Moshe ע"ה, who left us too soon on the 9th of Sivan 5770/May 21, 2010. May her neshama have an...Read more...

Torah Codes: How Gematriyah works

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Nasso

Torah Codes: How Gematriyah works

Sponsored by Rabbi Michael and Sheri BenChetrit in honor of the first birthday of their granddaughter, Sarah Meira Liba Benchetrit

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella...Read more...

Hoshe’a ben Be’eri: The Prophet and his Wife

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Bamidbar 

Hoshe’a ben Be’eri: The Prophet and his Wife

Sponsored by Chaim and Chana Antian in honor of Achdus Yisroel

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner in loving memory of Stephen's father,...Read more...

Remembering to Destroy 

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Yayikra/Zachor 

Parshat Zachor

Remembering to Destroy 

Sponsored by George and Joni White in memory of George’s Parents, Jerry and Irene White

 Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner in loving memory of...Read more...

Haman’s Shekalim And How Haman became Mordechais’s Slave

Parsha Halacha

Parshat Pikudei/Chazak 

Haman’s Shekalim and How Haman became Mordechais’s Slave

Sponsored by Ahron and Shifra Gellman in memory of Yaakov ben Dov Ber, Elisheva Batya bas Meyer Zalman, Yoel Dovid ben Aryeh Lev, and Rifka bas Zev. May...Read more...

Mount Sinai and the Land of the Philistines and More on the Sale of Chametz

Parsha Halacha

Parshat Parshat BeShalach / Shabbat Shirah

Mount Sinai and the Land of the Philistines and More on the Sale of Chametz

Sponsored by Ahron and Shifra Gellman in memory of Yaakov ben Dov Ber, Elisheva Batya bas Meyer Zalman, Yoel Dovid ben Aryeh Lev and Rifka bas Zev. May their...Read more...

Selichot – A Completely New You

Parsha Halacha – Nitzavim/Vayelec

Selichot – A Completely New You

Sponsored by George and Joni White

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner and Dr. Morton Berg in loving memory of Stephen's father, Shmuel Tzvi ben Pinchas, and Bella's parents,...Read more...

Kings of the Ten Tribes

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Ki Tavo

Kings of the Ten Tribes

Sponsored by George and Joni White 

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner and Dr. Morton Berg in loving memory of Stephen's father, Shmuel Tzvi ben Pinchas, and Bella's parents, Avraham ben...Read more...

A Brief History of the Davidic Kings

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Ki Teitzeh

A Brief History of the Davidic Kings

Sponsored by Geroge and Joni White in memory of George's mother, Braindel bat Shmaya. Co-sponsored by Ilan Trojanowski in memory of his father, Shmuel Ben Rephael. May their Neshamot have an...Read more...

A Brief History of the Shoftim

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Shoftim

A Brief History of the Shoftim

Co-sponsored by Yaakov Schroeder in Memory of his Father, Saran ben Yaakov (Av 30), his Uncle, Harry ben Yaakov (Av 30), and his Grandmother, Ada Riva bas Yosef HaKohen (Av 25). And by Mr. and Mrs. Michoel Lozenik.


Avigayil the Beautiful Prophetess: Rescuer and Wife of King David

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Re'eh

Avigayil the Beautiful Prophetess

Rescuer and Wife of King David 

Sponsored by Israel and Gaby Kopel and their children, Yosef Chaim, Yitzchak Yehoshua, Shmuel David, and Clara Shaindel, in loving memory of their grandmother and great-grandmother,...Read more...

The Men of the Great Assembly

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Eikev

The Men of the Great Assembly

Shapers of Prayers and Halacha  

Sponsored by Israel and Gaby Kopel and their children, Yosef Chaim, Yitzhak Yehoshua, Shmuel David, and Clara Shaindel, in loving memory of their grandfather and...Read more...

The 24 Families of Kohanim: Halacha and History

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Va'etchanan - Shabbat Nachamu

The 24 Families of Kohanim

Halacha and History 

Sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marcus in memory of his grandfather, Moshe Ben Avraham, Yohrtzeit Menachem Av 16. May his neshoma have an aliyah


The Chamber of Hewn Stone: "From Zion Shall Come Forth Torah"

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Devarim - Shabbat Chazon

The Chamber of Hewn Stone

“From Zion Shall Come Forth Torah”

Sponsored by Dr. Jean Jaucqes and Perla Edderai in honor of their Children and Grandchildren

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and...Read more...

Yair ben Menasheh Conquering Warrior and Pioneering Settler

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Matot Masei - Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Menachem Av

Yair ben Menasheh Conquering Warrior and Pioneering Settler 

Sponsored by Daniel and Melina Mizrachi in memory of Daniel’s father, Avraham ben Shmuel

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella...Read more...

Yehoshua Bin Nun

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Pinchas

Yehoshua Bin Nun

Devoted Servant, Assiduous Scholar, and Exemplary Leader 

Sponsored by Todd and Tina Stock in honor of Todd’s Parents

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner and Dr. Morton Berg in...Read more...

Bilaam’s Talking Donkey

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Chukat - Balak

Bilaam’s Talking Donkey

Co-sponsored by Elisheva (Soto) Braun in honor of her husband, Yoeli ben Sima. May Hashem bless them with shalom bayit, parnassa, and with good healthy children! And by Yaacov Tzvi and Michal Schvetz in honor of the Yahrtzeit of...Read more...

The Sons of Korach

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Korach

The Sons of Korach - From the Brink of the Abyss to the Temple Choir

Co-sponsored by Daniel and Jessica Courtney in the merit of a Refuah Shleima for Chana Leah Sarah bat Peshe Gittel. And by Shai in honor of his father, Yoseph...Read more...

Marrying Rachav

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Shlach – Shabbat Mevorchim Tammuz

Marrying Rachav

 Yehoshua’s Marriage to a Woman with a Background

Sponsored by Raul and Janet Mitrani

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner and Dr. Morton Berg in...Read more...

Eldad and Meidad: Prophets in the Camp

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Beha’alot’cha

Eldad and Meidad

Prophets in the Camp

Sponsored by Fred and Judy Farbman in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Jordan Farbman, this weekend

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner...Read more...

Nachshon ben Aminadav: Lessons in Courage

Parsha Halacha - Parshat Nasso

Sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Elbogen le'iluy nishmas his mother, Gittel bas Tzvi, Yohrtzeit Sivan 12. May her Neshama have an Aliyah.

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner and Dr. Morton Berg in loving memory of...Read more...

Ruth and Orpah


Parsha Halacha - Shavuot Ruth and Orpah  A Tale of Two (Very Different) Sisters

Sponsored by Philip and Carine Namiech “in honor of our children Liora, Eytan, and Taly for the daily blessings they bring to our lives”

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and...Read more...

Yonatan ben Shaul; A True Friend


Parsha Halacha - Parshat Bamidbar

Sponsored by Jessica and Brent Levison and Family in loving memory of Brent’s mother Eileen Levison, Chana Necha Bas Yaacov, whose Yahrtzeit is 29 Iyar 5774 . 

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr....

Buying the Field in Anato

Parsha Halacha

Parshat Behar-Bechukotai/Shabbat Chazak

Buying the Field in Anatot

The Only Real-Estate Deed in the Tanach

Sponsored by Jackie and Johana Abraham in honor of their wedding anniversary 

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner and...Read more...

Ezekiel, the Prophet in Babylonia


Parsha Halacha - Parshat Emor Sponsored by Wolffers Cohen & Edderai LLP in honor of the community

Click here for a print version of this article 

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner and Dr. Morton Berg in...Read more...

Reading the Book of Ruth


Parsha Halacha - Parshat Emor Sponsored by Wolffers Cohen & Edderai LLP in honor of the community

Click here for a print version of this article 

Parsha Halacha is underwritten by a grant from Dr. Stephen and Bella Brenner and Dr. Morton Berg in loving memory of...Read more...

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784